5 November 2017

Press release: Town Hall with Matthew Cheung: The Future of Non-Chinese Children in Hong Kong


Town hall organised by The Zubin Foundation provides recommendations to preparatory committee for government’s Commission on Children

Photo Caption 1. Mr. Matthew Cheung, Chief Secretary for Administration, and Mrs. Shalini Mahtani,
Founder of The Zubin Foundation, listen to a participant at a town hall on 6 November organised by
the foundation. The event canvassed views from Hong Kong’s ethnic minority community to help the
HKSAR government establish a charter for the Commission on Children, set to launch next year.

Photo Caption 2. Mr. Matthew Cheung, Chief Secretary for Administration, addresses participants at a
town hall on 6 November organised by The Zubin Foundation. The event canvassed views from Hong
Kong’s ethnic minority community to help the HKSAR government establish a charter for the
Commission on Children, set to launch next year.

Photo Caption 3. A participant addresses Mr. Matthew Cheung, Chief Secretary for Administration, at
a town hall on 6 November organised by The Zubin Foundation. The event canvassed views from Hong
Kong’s ethnic minority community to help the HKSAR government establish a charter for the
Commission on Children, set to launch next year.

Hong Kong, 6 November 2017 — In the lead-up to the formation of the government’s Commission on
Children, The Zubin Foundation, a leading social policy think tank and registered charity, today hosted a
town hall to gather views from the community on the issues facing ethnic minority children. The event was attended by Mr. Matthew Cheung, Chief Secretary for Administration of the Hong Kong SAR Government.

Please click here to read the full press release.


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