19 September 2018

Press release: Ethnic Minority Youth are Hong Kongers


Ethnic Minority Youth are Hong Kongers
But 43% don’t want to live here in 10 years time

The largest-ever study of ethnic minority youth and their aspirations, challenges, and sense of identity has been conducted and co-authored by The Zubin Foundation and Puja Kapai, Associate Professor, Centre for Comparative and Public Law, Faculty of Law, at The University of Hong Kong.

“Although 84% of ethnic minority youth are happy in Hong Kong, 43% of them do not think that they will live in Hong Kong in 10 years’ time. This is mainly because of language barriers that result in employment and social exclusion. We can expect a brain drain if things do not improve.” said Puja Kapai.

The 253 youth were between the ages of 16 and 24 and were from mostly low income families. The 253 youth were between the ages of 16 and 24 and were from mostly low income families. “Over 60% of ethnic minority youth respondents were born in Hong Kong but most of them express that Hong Kong Chinese think negatively of them. Enhanced public education is needed to dispel negative stereotypes held by the general population against ethnic minorities. We need to get into schools to teach children that all of us are Hongkongers regardless of our different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, “said Mr Ming Wai lau, Founder and Director of MWYO, which is a youth-oriented think tank and a collaborator for this project.

Please click here to read the full press release

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