Opportunity Bank


Poverty among ethnic minorities in Hong Kong has worsened, based on Poverty Situation Report 2016, with almost one in four (23%) living below poverty line, higher than 14.7% of the wider population.

To have a better living standard, ethnic minorities need:

  • High transparency to resources – as currently many services for EMs are not shared publicly and are not well aware by the needy. Thus, some useful services can only serve a small number of target audience.
  • An accessible point to find resources and opportunities – EMs find shortfalls in public services as they believe these services do not fit their needs or not know of the services at all.
  • Opportunities and resources to get empowered – due to a lack of techniques in skillset and not recognising the opportunities around, EMs have missed many chances for them to unleash their potential and shine.


We believe in enhancing upward mobility and reducing poverty among the Hong Kong ethnic minority population.

We connect ethnic minorities with opportunities through Opportunity Bank, a centralised platform – containing jobs, scholarships, education, training, etc – with various resources and opportunities.

Opportunity Bank covers

Jobs, Career Advising and Networking
Online Training Hub
Interactive Upskilling Workshops
Scholarships and More Education Opportunities
ocial and Healthcare Services
Other Useful Welfare Information


Here we would love some real life stories that come out of the work, “notes from the field”, a short but detailed story that gives some realism. Again, statistics would be amazing!

From Ethnic Minorities
“We knew that scholarships are available but now we can actually see how people got them” Asra Sainju, a 17-year-old Nepali student, went to the 2019 Scholarship Fair with her parents
“Thank you Opportunity Bank for helping me to find the job and prepare me for the interview!” — Faizan, Project Assistant (Education Programme) in a social entreprise
From Partner Organisations
““We really appreciate this exhibition opportunity and our students benefitted from the Scholarship Fair too” — Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong (UWC), an exhibitor from 2019 Scholarship Fair
“We believe the fair did help a lot of EM students to know more about different opportunities available to them when studying in Hong Kong.” — Unison, an exhibitor from 2019 Scholarship Fair
Impact in Numbers
As of March 2020, we have…
Over 30 jobs and internships matched
Over 100 jobs shared on our platform
Over 200 one-on-one career advising sessions
Over 300 Ethnic Minorities joined our Scholarship Fairs and events
Over 20 healthcare and social services referred (dentists, paediatric dentists, psychologists, social workers)


(key sponsors, advisors, supporting organisations)

Funded by

SIE Fund
Chen Yet-Sen Family Foundation
Rusy and Purviz Shroff Charitable Foundation
Incubated by

Impact Incubator
IT Development – Website and App Partners

Credit Suisse
Kshan Tech Soft
Special Thank Yous to…

Howard Ling, HKCSS
HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre
Thank you for all the companies and organisations who have shared their vacancies with us. You have role-modelled how to be an Inclusive Employer.

Thank you for all the companies and organisations who have generously offered their space for our events.



Opportunity Bank is awarded the Certificate of Merit in the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2021: Smart People (Smart Inclusion) Category.

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