Submission from 2013-2024

The Problem 

The ethnic minority or non-Chinese population is a part of the Hong Kong family. The population of ethnic minorities is one of the fastest growing populations in Hong Kong, particularly the youth population. With this population, Hong Kong is stronger in a global and connected to the world.

This population brings a diverse range of skills, talent, language, culture, and networks to Hong Kong. Many identify as Hong Kong people and some families have a long history in Hong Kong. As Asia’s World City, Hong Kong should be inclusive to this population and find ways of bringing them into the mainstream.

They are also amongst the poorest in Hong Kong and opportunities exist to upskill and include the population for the benefit of them as well as for the Hong Kong community at large.

Our Work

The Zubin Foundation has made the following specific policy recommendations for the Policy Address of the Chief Executive from 2013 to 2024:


Our Impact

So far, policy recommendations from The Zubin Foundation to the HKSAR Government has brought the following impact to our community:

  1. Appointment of diverse candidates on several advisory committees in the HKSAR Government
  2. Bringing racial discrimination to the centre stage with the new taxi guidelines
  3. Setting up an internal steering committee on ethnic minorities to streamline services to ethnic minorities and to iron out issues between bureau and departments

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