7 May 2018

Press release: Racial Segregation and Lack of Resources Prevent Ethnic Minority children from learning Chinese effectively at kindergarten

Hong Kong, 7 May 2018 – The Zubin Foundation, a leading social policy think thank, today launched a research report: “Securing a Good Start for Students of
Chinese as an Additional Language (CAL) in Kindergarten”. With sponsorship
from the Chen Yet-sen Family Foundation, Peter Bennett Foundation and The
Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund), the
research shows:
“Racial Segregation and Lack of Resources prevent ethnic minority children
from learning Chinese well in kindergarten”.

• Children from non-Chinese speaking backgrounds are often clustered
together in a small number of schools – some have 80% + non-Chinese
speaking children, making it much harder to learn Chinese naturally
• Over 40% of kindergartens have zero EM children – the presence of EM
children in a kindergarten are viewed as a deterrent by some Hong Kong
Chinese parents

Please click here to read the full press release

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